Labor Camp
Register now!!
Take a stroll along the river walk and let the lazy Hillsborough and the Spanish moss re-energize you. Better yet, step into Hutchinson Auditorium. Feel the nap of the crushed velvet upholstery. Close your eyes and listen: you can hear the chapel singing, can’t you? Let’s face it, if you’re an FC alumnus you have just stepped onto memory lane.
Ever wish you could spend just one more week on campus doing the things that made your time at FC so special? Things like spending time with lifetime friends you’ve just met, growing in His Word, and laughing till your sides hurt. Ever wish you could make a difference -give something back – to the place that made such a difference in your life? Sounds great, doesn’t it?
Let us tell you about FC’s Summer Labor Camp. It’s a camp for adults! Spend your days in the company of other FC’ers working on campus improvement projects. Share meals together in the dining hall. Join in the evening Bible studies and singings. All campers lodge in Jennifer Hall, FC’s newest and nicest accommodations.
Click here to see the Schedule for the week!
Who can come to Labor Camp? Any adult alumni or friend of the college who would like the opportunity to “give back” to “Our Dear FC.” Sorry, we cannot accommodate young children or pets.
When is registration for Labor Camp open? Labor Camp online registration will open April 1st (no foolin’!). Once you are registered for camp, you will receive updates regarding proposed work projects, Bible study theme, and other camp information.
When is check-in? Check-in will be Sunday evening. We will have our first “HEY EVERYBODY!” and evening devotional at 8:00PM.
Where do I go when I arrive on campus? Come to Jennifer Hall lobby for check-in. You may park anywhere in the Boswell parking lot in front of Boswell Hall.
What do I need to bring? Bring your own personal items, including towels and bedding if possible. If you are flying to Tampa and are restricted on luggage space, we can provide towels and bedding for you. Don’t forget your Bible! There is a CVS, Walgreens, and other convenience shopping near to campus for anything you may have forgotten.
Can someone pick me up at Tampa airport? Yes, we can! We will be happy to pick you up and return you to TPA, refreshed and invigorated, at the end of the week.
What does it cost to come to Labor Camp? FC’s Labor Camp is a volunteer army. It does not cost you anything to attend Labor Camp. All you have to do is get here.
Why is it called “Labor Camp”? It is said tongue-in-cheek. Labor Camp is unique. It is a labor of love. Come and see for yourself. We think you won’t believe how much you will enjoy laughing, bonding, and laboring in the Florida heat! We believe Labor Camp will be the highlight of your summer.