The Alpha Club has filled an important need at Florida College since its beginning in 1981. Their distinctive shirts have made the Alpha Club easily recognizable to students, faculty and parents as a select group whose main purpose is to serve the student body, especially the new students.
In 1981 the public relations office conceived the idea that led to the formation of the Alpha Club. Wayne Moody was the first sponsor. In 1983, the Alpha Club came under the sponsorship of the dean of students office.
The name “Alpha” which denotes the beginning of something was an appropriate name for this first-class group. A less obvious meaning was hidden in the spelling. “Alpha” was also an acronym for the club’s mission: Association, Leadership, Partnership, Hospitality and Ambassadorship. The students chosen for Alpha Club exhibit these qualities and are committed to the principles and ideals of F.C. Each member of the Alpha Club must keep a 3.0 GPA o be eligible.
During its first two years, Alpha Club consisted of fifteen students who were chosen on the basis of the stated qualifications. Eventually, sixteen students, eight men and eight women, were selected each year by a cross-section of faculty, staff and students. The goal was to select those students best suited to be ambassadors of the college. By 1984, the elected officers of the Student Body Government Association also came to be recognized as Alpha Club Members.
These ambassadors of Florida College are involved in numerous activities including greeting new students at bus stations and airports, helping them move in, helping at orientation and registration, helping visiting students during Falcon Days and ushering at the evening lectures in February. Alpha Club Members do not always get recognition for their hard work, but is is always considered an honor to be selected.